Wednesday 23 August 2017

SEA GAMES 2017 : your contribution as Malaysian

    Assalamualaikum, How are you, I bet all of you are doing well. Wani and I had got a new topic for this week entry, that is what can we contribute in SEA Games as Malaysian. South Asia Games or it's acronym SEA, in this games actually it did not involve all country in this world only the country located in South Asia took part namely Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam,  Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, Timor Leste and host Malaysia. I admit it's quite hard to contribute because of we are just a civilian not an athlete hahaha.... but don't worry we're going to tell all you what did we can contribute to the SEA Games as Malaysia. This way that we can contribute to the SEA Game are as beneath

    As a Malaysian we can support our country contingent through watching the sport either in live or in front of television. When we go to watch the sport at the sport venue, all the athlete felt happy because of we've show that we support them. By this way they will be more courage to compete with their opponent this will make them easy to win the competition. They will easily get a gold medal, and our country will become a winner in SEA Game 2017, may Allah wills it.
    Then express our support to our athlete which take part in SEA Games KL 2017 through the word. It is jua a simple effort you are going to know the impact soon. You just make an huge banner and place it maybe at the roadside near the sport venue. When our athlete reda that banner it will boost up their spirit and they will be come more confident. You can just use a simple word like "Break A Leg, You Can Do It" it is just a mundane but they will not that they have a supporter. Thank you for your visit our blog 😘.

Wednesday 16 August 2017


Assalamualaikum, hello everyone! Alhamdulillah we meet again! This week, we got some new topic to tell about. It was the best thing happened in our life. Pretty sure everyone in this world had a best thing that happened in their life and all the memories are unforgettable.

   Firstly, Hazwani will write the best thing that happened to her. Okay! Lets begin! Last year on October, my family and I went to Singapore for a holiday after tired working and study hihihi. Everyone must get some rest right? And also the holiday was one of the present for my mother’s birthday. We went to Johor Bahru (JB) by flight because the journey may take 7-8 hours from our destination to reach there and we took a bus to Singapore from JB We were safely arrived at JB then we went to my cousin’s house and stayed for one night before went to Singapore on the next day. We were very excited!

Image result for singapore
Picture of Merlion Park

   The next day after preparing, we enjoyed dishes that were prepared by our cousin. After that, our cousin send us to Woodland. Woodland is the place to get in Singapore or called border between Singapore with JB. We had to get a bus to get inside Singapore. First place that we stopped by was Merlion Park, Merlion Park is a Singapore landmark. If we see the name given it starts with lion. Okay, there were a lion statues located at the park and there is a spouts water from its mouth. After finished taking picture, we went to Arab St for a window shopping. We bought some gift like t-shirts written “ We love Singapore “ and also some keychain for souvenirs. That was the best thing happened in my life because I really would like to visit other country to see what they have there. There is a lot of things to share with you guys but im gonna let Aida share her story noww.

   Hello thereeee! Now its my turn to tell about what is the best thing that ever happened in my life! On 13th July 2012, my second sister and I went to Kuala Lumpur (KL) for a concert. That was the first concert that we both had ever went to! We went to KL with my mom’s driver and he sent us to my mom’s place. We stayed at JW Marriott Hotel near Pavilion Shopping Mall so we always had good times went to Pavilion by walking for about 3 minutes only from our hotel. Our mom was busy working so we did all things by our own. The next day that make us very excited was the MTV World Stage concert at Sunway Lagoon, Kuala Lumpur. We woke up early in the morning and had a breakfast with our mom. Mom sent us to Sunway Lagoon at 11 am for us to had a good times there before the concert started. We waited for my sister’s friends before enter the Sunway Lagoon for a concert.

   At 3 pm we queued to got inside. It was very insane because the fans was shouting calling their favorite artists. The artists that performed on that day were Justin Bieber, Mizz Nina (Malaysian singer), Jay Park and KARA form Korean. The concert was started at 5 pm but Justin had some problem that we need to waited for him to showed up from the backstage. We stood at the first line so we were veryyy excited! On 6 pm he showed up himself and the first song that he sang was “Baby” and we were screaming calling his name. Justin is my favorite singer and I really loved him. He is a very handsome, good looking guy and he got a cute smile. I really like him so much. I almost crying when I first saw him. The next performer was Mizz Nina. She is a great singer form Malaysia and she is very pretty. Then we had a break for a while and we went buy some water to drinks. Next, we continued with the next artists. It was KARA, Korean girls band. They are very cute and good singers. The last artist was Jay Park. He is also my favorite singer from Korea. He is very good in dancing and his body was so lits! The concert ended after Jay Park performed. We really enjoyed the concert. At 10 pm my mom came to us and brought us for a supper before we went back to the hotel. On the third day we decided to stayed in the hotel room because we both were very tired and super exhausted! Therefore, I assume that was one of the best thing that ever happened in my life because I never been to any concert. That was my first and last concert maybe?! Hahaha…

Justin Bieber performance

Jay Park performance

Mizz Nina performance

KARA performance

   We all has good memory and bad memory but we just want to remember a good memory. A good memory makes us fell more happy and a great story in our life. by the way thank you for who visited my blog. assalamualaikum hohoho...

Tuesday 8 August 2017

The Most Interesting Subject

Assalamualaikum . Hi eyeryone ! This week we were given a tittle that the subject that we liked . In this semester we learned many subjects . One of subject that we learned are Fundamental, Accounting financal, "Pengucapan awam" , Technition skills, Mathematic and English .The most subject that we liked and the reason why we liked is business mathematic that teach by madam Norehan

    One of the reason why we liked this subject is because this subject have various calculations that we need to solve . Madam norehan also help we how to solve the problem and also teach us so clearly to make we understand what she teach. Mathtematic have many step that we need to solve and this make we feel gauntlet and patience to solve the problem

    Another reason is lecturer always given we assignment and this can improve our calculation towards math and also make we more confident to answer the questions. When we do the assignment it may help each others that can solve the questions . This make we become closer and we can know the problem that they adapt to help.

    Lastly, we hope we get brilliant and get flying colour result in this final exam. We hope you guy enjoyed reading our short blog this time hahaha bye . Thank you                                                              


Wednesday 2 August 2017

      KPTM's Song

Kolej Poly-Tech M-A-R-A
Lambang keunggulan anak bangsa
Proaktif Progresif Perkasa
Profesional dan Berkarisma
Kolej Poly-Tech M-A-R-A
Lambang keunggulan anak bangsa
Menjungjung amanat negara
Terbilang di puncak dunia
Bersemangat meredah rintangan
Gagah menuju ke puncak awan
Tekad di hati penuh keazaman
Bersatu….Capai segala wawasan

Assalamualaikum and hye everyone. Today I've just got a new topic of the entry for this week from my lecturer Madam Hamizah binti Hamzah. For this entry I've to write an entry about song review.The song that i need to review is 'Puncak Awan' which is  the song of Kolej Poly-Tech Mara. The song lyrics is in Malay language where it consist of 12 lines and each stanza contain 3 to 4 lines. This melody is so important as it will help up the soul for the individuals who are tuning in to this tune, particularly the understudies of KPTM.

   The first stanza in this song is mentioned about KPTM's name. contiue to the second until forth lines are telling us what makes KPTM is and what are the symbolize of the KPTM itself. for example " Lambang keunggulan anak bangsa, Proaktif Progresif Perkasa, Profesional dan Berkarisma ".

    The second stanza in this song is teling us that KPTM are symbolic of "bumiptera" people in " Lambang keunggulan anak bangsa ". Next, in second stanza also mentioned that they (KPTM) hold a country responsibilities to build a young and  great leaders to the country for the bright future.

   Besides that, in third stanza, we can see that what ever challenges and obstacle that hit us, we shall never give up and keep moving with the strong spirit that we had to get thru it in a nut shell, KPTM's song is a good songs and as for me it is a steps stone for me to start my new life as KPTM students as i first come here to continue my studies. Thank you.