Wednesday 2 August 2017

      KPTM's Song

Kolej Poly-Tech M-A-R-A
Lambang keunggulan anak bangsa
Proaktif Progresif Perkasa
Profesional dan Berkarisma
Kolej Poly-Tech M-A-R-A
Lambang keunggulan anak bangsa
Menjungjung amanat negara
Terbilang di puncak dunia
Bersemangat meredah rintangan
Gagah menuju ke puncak awan
Tekad di hati penuh keazaman
Bersatu….Capai segala wawasan

Assalamualaikum and hye everyone. Today I've just got a new topic of the entry for this week from my lecturer Madam Hamizah binti Hamzah. For this entry I've to write an entry about song review.The song that i need to review is 'Puncak Awan' which is  the song of Kolej Poly-Tech Mara. The song lyrics is in Malay language where it consist of 12 lines and each stanza contain 3 to 4 lines. This melody is so important as it will help up the soul for the individuals who are tuning in to this tune, particularly the understudies of KPTM.

   The first stanza in this song is mentioned about KPTM's name. contiue to the second until forth lines are telling us what makes KPTM is and what are the symbolize of the KPTM itself. for example " Lambang keunggulan anak bangsa, Proaktif Progresif Perkasa, Profesional dan Berkarisma ".

    The second stanza in this song is teling us that KPTM are symbolic of "bumiptera" people in " Lambang keunggulan anak bangsa ". Next, in second stanza also mentioned that they (KPTM) hold a country responsibilities to build a young and  great leaders to the country for the bright future.

   Besides that, in third stanza, we can see that what ever challenges and obstacle that hit us, we shall never give up and keep moving with the strong spirit that we had to get thru it in a nut shell, KPTM's song is a good songs and as for me it is a steps stone for me to start my new life as KPTM students as i first come here to continue my studies. Thank you.