Thursday 19 October 2017

The Moment in HPE 1013 Class

Asssalamualaikum , hi guys ! We meet again , this will be last entry because this week is the last week we will be in the HPE class with Madam Hamizah . Im hoping that all of you in a good healthy.

  For this entry i will share the moment during we in class Profiency English or in time table is HPE 1013 . As you guy know semester one will be end soon. There are many moment with Madam Hamizah and all my friends in AB1B . I still remember the first day our in the class Madam Hamizah , we are little bit nervous and excited to know who the lecturer will be teach us. Since I in Kolej Poly Tech Mara, I had meet a new friends which from various background and states . It takes a time to suit myself with a new friends and place but now. 

  During in claas Profiency English with Madam Hamizah or known  as Madam Mimi , she gives us a lots of knowledge and than you Madam for teaching us . May Allah bless you , amin :) To be honest , Madam Mimi is the most patient lecturer even thought sometimes she was angry and stress with attitude of students AB1B that so naughty haha but ... she did not show to us. So lucky we got lecturer like Madam Hamizah that so patiently serving our behaviour . 

  All of us enjoyed learning Profiency English with Madam Hamizah. I would like to thanks to Madam Hamizah for giving me and my friends a lots of new knowledge . Pray for us Madam , may Allah ease everything for our final and all of us passed with the flying colours result. Thank you for everythings Madam . We , from AB1B students apologize to Madam if we committed offence aware or without realise towards Madam . Bye guys ! Assalamualaikum 



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